Muzica de Colectie pe Discuri de Vinil!

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Subcategorie: CD - Albume

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Muzica de colectie: Michael Jackson - Thriller(1982); Elvis Presley - The King 50 (1984); Smokie - Greatest hits (1977); Boney M - Ten thousand lightyears (1979);

Muzica de colectie: Michael Jackson - Thriller(1982); Elvis Presley - The King 50 (1984); Smokie - Greatest hits (1977); Boney M - Ten thousand lightyears (1979); Gheorghe Zamfir si virtuozii sai (1984); Angela Similea - Un albastru infinit; Nufarul alb; Traiesc (1984); Rolling Stones - Made in the shade (1980); Gianni Morandi - Concert (1973); Omega - Gammapolis (1979 - original Ungaria), calitatea discurilor este exceptionala.

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