Aparat de tuns corporal Philips acumulator, Negru, BG2024/15

Cere oferta pret

Aparat de tuns corporal Philips acumulator, Negru, BG2024/15 Pricefighter with 2D pivothing head, black plain plastic with red accents, BG2024/15 Tundeti si radeti toate zonele corpului Sigur si confortabil pentru axila,

Aparat de tuns corporal Philips acumulator, Negru, BG2024/15 Pricefighter with 2D pivothing head, black plain plastic with red accents, BG2024/15 Tundeti si radeti toate zonele corpului Sigur si confortabil pentru axila, piept si abdomen, spate si umeri, zona inghinala si .
Producator: Philips

Cere oferta pret Aparat de tuns corporal Philips acumulator, Negru, BG2024/15


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