Utilaje tamplarie pvc Risus, linie de productie

Cere oferta pret

Utilaje tamplarie pvc risus linie de productie, welding and corner cleaning line. The line was designed for welding four corners of PVC sash, frame and door profiles simultaneously and cleaning rapidly.

Utilaje tamplarie pvc risus linie de productie, welding and corner cleaning line.

The line was designed for welding four corners of PVC sash, frame and door profiles simultaneously and cleaning rapidly. The line includes "waiting station" for cooling the frames that have been welded in system.

"Transporting arm" removes frames to "rotating point" without damaging frames.
The line involves "turning system" that turns the frames rapidly for cleaning weld burrs with CNC corner cleaning machine.
There is a robot in CNC corner cleaning unit to transfer the frames that have been cleaned.
Ability of zero (0,2 mm.) welding for laminated profiles.
Reliable and high quality of welding and cleaning process.

Standard production process owing to design of line.
Welding and cleaning processes of 1 frame takes 2 minutes, thus, the line is able to process 240 units at 8 hours (per shift)
The line could be used manually as well as automatically and transition between the ways of using could be realised rapidly.
Line is PC (Personal Computer) controlled.
The line can automatically recognize the profile systems.

Unlimited memory for welding and clening process of profile systems owing to PC control.
Industrial desing of line belongs to Risus Machine and patent of line is a property of Risus brand.
The line carries out automatic lubrication and "low-oil" warning.

Portable control panel.
Heads of welding machine move to appropiate coordinates automatically because of barcode scanner.

Cere oferta pret Utilaje tamplarie pvc Risus, linie de productie


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